We would like to introduce The Next Steps Community – an ongoing resource – where our prayer is that you find hope, encouragement and empowerment to live purposely and passionately when divorce is a chapter in your life story. Take some time for yourself, get a refreshing drink and visit each month to keep in touch with our community. Each month we are going to post new material that will be helpful to your journey. Together with the leading of the Lord we can learn to step forward with hope and confidence.
Starting over after divorce is full of change, challenges and uncertainties. It represents the end of a life as a woman knew it and the beginning of a life that is unfamiliar yet waiting to be lived. This season can be very lonely and women need support and encouragement on this journey especially when the questions of “how” keep coming up faster than the answers.
- How do other women manage their single-again life?
- How do I overcome the fear, frustration and hopelessness?
- How do I live a single-again life that honors my beliefs as a Christian?
- How will I help my children to be ok on the other side of the divorce?
- How will I find a job, find friends, find a new place to live…?
The Next Steps Community is here for women to not be alone and to connect women each month through a combination of:
- Inspirational and encouraging stories from women who are also traveling the path of starting over
- Wisdom and guidance from experts on the “topic” of the month
- Video interviews
- Tips from a coach
- A coaching plan for each month’s topic
- A place for women to share their own stories, favorite quotes, a practical piece of guidance and encouraging messages to be shared back with the Next Steps community
Scripture and Quote of the month to tuck in your soul to lean on
Women can learn to navigate this new life and experience greater growth and a deeper sense of purpose as she steps into her new future with hope and confidence. Then women can turn back to offer their hope and support to another who is just beginning to embark on the painful and daunting path of rebuilding life after divorce.
“Encourage one another daily.” Hebrews 3:13